Wulin Yijia and Jeff W

Sean Martial here again and you know how I love the phrase Wulin Yijia – martial arts are one family. I use the phrase and people believe I mean it, but my actions tell a different story. I also love to assign catchy nicknames to people when I attack them – in this case, Jeff “archie bunker” is one example.  The best parts are near the end where you can see how I really work to promote martial harmony (caution, strong language):

From: Sean Martial

Personally, I don’t mind name calling (if its done in a clever way), or even cursing. I’m used to it from living in some of the roughest neighborhoods of Baltimore and D.C.  ……..

I can tell that you feel right at home here on the Internet Jeff. You recently posted pictures of your kids on this “Debate Zone” (reminds me a little of Michael Jackson…). So do you hear this at home a lot, “Daddy, why are you always on the computer?” I can relate, at my house all I hear is, “Daddy, why are you always practicing (kung fu, taiji etc)?”

Look back at how frequently you, Jeff W, have posted on this gossip room (You probably frequent other gossip rooms as well). It hasn’t been a one time, two time, or every now and again thing, but a daily need to be on it. Page after page, day after day, seems almost like a drug habit. Sad. Look back at the volumes of your work and pat yourself on the back; that is your legacy. That’s your contribution. Congratulations. Something your kids can be proud of.

With your endless foolish remarks (go ahead and scroll back fondly Jeff00), you just keep cutting the ground out from under your own feet. The way you constantly put your foot in your mouth, you’ve saved me a lot of time & effort.”

From: Jeff W
Subject: Hey Rasta
Well have I proven to you I was around back in the day or not? All I want to know is what the WKF has done for wushu? Is that so hard. Or maybe you can tell me at Pan Ams…

From: Jeff W
Subject: a man’s family
You know, the fact that you try to bring a man’s family into this debate is really low. Say what you will about me, I’m a big boy, but the kid thing with you and your little protege Crazy Cloud (I’m guessing he’s still a kid) went too far.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: a man’s family
Read my latest post jeff. YOU brought them into this “debate zone”, not us! -s

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: a man’s family
As a father yourself you should have known better. Issues are issues. Stick to them.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: a man’s family
As a father I know better than dangling my kids around online amongst strangers as you have. So irresponsible jeff! -s

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: a man’s family
Regardless…it shows me and everyone else how low you’ll stoop in the bullshit self righteousness about defending your sifu. Thanks for proving my points

From: Jeff W
Subject: Now I know why!
Now I know why you don’t know me…because when you were getting third and fourth places at some of the tournaments, I was in the winner’s circle. Now I have a question, why is it that a lot of people who know you and also know me are sending me emails saying you’re only like this online? A couple people I know from T##’s school have said they can’t believe the balls you grew and that in the real world you’re kind of a scared little bitch when it comes to confrontation. For all that training you claim to do, you talk a big game. Funny how those who know, see through it. Have a great day…I know I am.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Now I know why!
Jeff, You like talk, so go talk all you want

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: Now I know why!
Are you telling me T##’s guys are liars? Shall I pass a message along to them for you?

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: Now I know why!
STILL Stalking? seek the help you need.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Now I know why!
What? I had missed this message you sent me before. I had no idea what or who you were talking about. -Sean

From: Jeff W
Subject: one small name
Ty###? He said that you acting this way online is uncharacteristic of you and that you never saud Boo to anyone. He also gave me a great history lesson between Goh and Y##. He said you were never in any of the meetings with NACMAF OR WKF. Or that you fought full contact. He said you were pleasant enough, but you misrepresent yourself online. The T## people were a bit less diplomatic. Just tell me that either of these guys are liars and I will happily pass the message on to them.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: one small name
Ty## never “knew” me as he claims, because like he said I wasn’t involved with the organizing. I never claimed to then, or now, so stop asking me questions about it. As for the other people – I don’t believe you. Because you can’t even name them. Anyway what is the disagreement? I certainly faught full contact. DR## (pro boxer)was one of my sparring partners and there’s a pictures on our yahoo group of me fighting. How would Ty## know if he was in the meeting while we were fighting? Much of my fighting was in the ghettos of Baltimore on the street corners. As for my character – People who TRULY know me have seen all sides of me. It’s true as they say that most of the time I am laid back and easy. One thing my Sifu has taught us is humility. But although I am slow to anger, I am quick to action. I don’t like to even talk about it, so if you are truly curious, you may come to my school for a lesson. How about you Jeffry? Do you still practice N. Mantis? -Sean

From: Jeff W
Subject: Ooops I hit a nerve
I’m sure we’ll see each other in real life soon enough. And yes I do still practice 7-star. Been to the mainland a few times in fact to train and even Wu Bin said I was very skilled at it. So did the late Brendan Lai. You’re quick to call everyone else’s credentials into question, but not so happy when it’s your BS that’s seen through huh? No biggie. I’m done toying with you. I have things to do. ta-ta

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Ooops I hit a nerve
You mis understood Jeff. I meant that I don’t like talking about myself, something I can tell you love to do. So if you want to conduct any more business w/ me, do it in person. Why haven’t you posted your picture yet Jeff? Are you afraid? My pictures are all over. If your computer can’t find them, then you should get a new one. Let’s see the REAL Jeff W.

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: Ooops I hit a nerve
Nope… I got the answeres I needed. ta

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Ooops I hit a nerve
Are you STILL talking?

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: Now I know why!
STILL Stalking? seek the help you need.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Now I know why!
WHO are liars about what???

From: Jeff W
Subject: hhmmmmm
So Zippy, how goes the search for C###’s people who know me? and why do you slander the importance of T## Y## as you do? Just curious. You avoided these questions in favor of slander.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: hhmmmmm
Don’t you know when you are being ignored little boy? Now go to your room! -Sean

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: hhmmmmm
Ignored because you are afraid..

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: hhmmmmm
Would that make it all better Jeffrey? There there little boy. Your just as good as that bad old Sean Marshall. Really you are. Youve got nothing to worry about Jeffrey he can’t be as bad as they say. He probabably doesn’t even know mantis as good as you jeffrey. plus wu bin even said you were good and he wouldn’t lie.

From: Jeff W
Subject: Care to do a medal count?
from 1992-1995? You know since you avoided the W2 question.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Care to do a medal count?
Jeffrey, When you talk about W2s, doe they automatically take out for child support and alimony? This is something I know nothing about. As far as coach Nick, why are you asking me? You can ask him yourself. I’m sure he will tell you not to fuck with me. I’m not going to tell you that because deep down I hope you do. If you think I post under other screen names you are mistaken. I don’t do that shit. But I do know who is dirty sanchez and he cracks me up from all the way across the country! -Sean Now its nap time jeffrey so lay down. sweet dreams

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: Care to do a medal count?
Give a toss? Another, as yet unseen, personality…the English Squire… You must “give a toss” about me, because you’re ALWAYS mentioning me AND responding to me (except of course when I ask a direct pertinent question…I just hope it’s not when you’re masterbating to your own crayon drawings of Richard Simmons, that you give a toss about me. So when did you train with Nick?

From: Jeff W
Subject: ROFL about not fucking with you
Puhleeze…are you so dangerous Nick will back that up? give me a break. For ignoring me, you sure do respond a lot. For my family business it’s none of yours. At least I know who my kids are..they’re all the same color. No go play with your dirty sanchez…

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: ROFL about not fucking with you
Sounds like your scared lttle jeffrey. So why don’t you ask him yourself you little rascist pussy hole? -S

From: Jeff W
Subject: Scared of what? YOU?
Ummm nope to both. And it sounds like I hit another nerve…. You’re too easy to predict sean…it’s no fun anymore… What happened to only addressing me in real life? See, I have you all figured out already. You attempt to post suff to make me mad…it doesn’t work, so I do the same thing to you. I post something that I don’t personally believe (I manage a rap group on the side) and it makes you lose what little of your mind is left. Too easy. Well I know I have to go and train then I am going out with a woman and spending money. Have a good one…:-D

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Scared of what? YOU?
So what did Coach Nick say? I have no idea what you are talking about jeffrey. You can come visit me any time. I’m not hidden to the world as you are. Do you think I can run a kung fu school for so many years without taking chalenges? You can come anytime. You obviously really feel the need to impress me and prove something. You have always been the one to contact me and brag. I only mock you from time to time. Only the ones with 1 or 2 sentences. If you write more than that I just move on because you are so full of shit I don’t have time for it. I saw one called “stealing your thunder” or something. I read the first 3 sentences and when I stopped laughing I went somewhere worthwile. I suspect you were going to talk about how good you think you are. Keep talking about your women jeffrey soon you will convince yourself that you don’t love men. When you go out tonight jeffrey, do you know where your kids are? Now that they are away from you, who is the man taking care of them? there there jeffrey you need your reassurances I know. Mommies here to encourage you little jeffrey. -your new mommie, -Sean

From: Jeff W
Subject: Yet YOU initiated this discussion
Yet you spend a LOT of time in here…all about me… You are obssessed and it’s not really healthy.

From: Jeff W
Subject: Last message to you ever
This is your one chance to stop the libel and slander and harrassment. The next action will be from my lawyer for civil and criminal prosecution. No more PMs to me, no more posts to me, no more posts about me. I have ignored you unless you direct lies to me or about me, but I am ignoring even those. I have a lawyer sitting here with me reading these posts as we speak. Conduct yourself accordingly.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Last message to you ever
jeff00, you and your lawyer can go suck your moms. I have screen shots of all your crap and I intend on sending them every where. Many people who have seen them are already looking for you so piss off. By the way I don’t believe this is the last from you because you are such a punk. go suck an egg you racist scum! -s

From: Jeff W
Subject: On the advice of my lawyer
A) I am not racist. Why did I make the comment to you? because I knew it would make you reveal yourself as you really are, a stalking nutcase. I could care less what you believe about me. I am dating a Chinese girl, one of my best friends is African American (C### ask him about me. He’s a thugged out rapper that I used to manage and am now very good friends with), I do business in Africa, my business partner is Korean. B) You are harrassing me and stalking me, now. I have requested both publically and privately that you have nothing to do with me. You have ignored this and continually send me messages or post about me. This is criminal intent and can be severely punished by law. C)3 times you have directly threatened my safety. Again this is a criminal offense and in M### is a felony. D) you are using libel to slander me and elicit others to do what I term your dirty work which is punishable in civil court. I am warning you now that any more mentions of me to anyone by you will be met with the fullest measure of the law. I have not mentioned you, aside from having to send you private messages to stop your harrassment. Also, should anything happen to me physically, it has already been registered with the proper authorities that you have made threats against me physically a number of times and you will be held responsible. If you doubt the seriousness of either myself or the law enforcement authorities I have already reported you to, just send me another message and see what happens.

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: On the advice of my lawyer
Can you get any more retarted you freak? I am about to post the screen shots up for everyone to see your racial and retarted private messages TO ME. Everyone will see that you are lying. You know damn well that I have NEVER PMed you except to respond to YOU you bigotted racist. You made the racial remarks towards my family because you have seriouse mental issues that only a professional could help. Your last post said that it was the last post. Again you have lied you silly little fool. I’m not scared of you and if you know whats good for you you will shut the fuck up and leave me alone. The only thing I want to hear from you is a public apology or the letters from your bogus lawyer. So tell him to draft the papers and send them I’ll see you in court. Your self inflicted damage has already been done. I have sent the screen shots to my friends and associates including all the tournament promoters. They are waiting for your registration forms so that they may greet you appropriatly. Everyone that has seen your handywork is appalled. Have you shown your racist comments to your “friends”? You are the text book example of a bigot. I have not one ounce of respect for you you worm so go to hell. If you are such a bad ass as you claim then why are you so afraid now? Your words public and private are so much hot air. Like I said, go suck your mother. If you respond to this with anything other than “I’m sincerly sorry for bothering you Sean and making ignorant racial bigotted comments against you and your family” then you have lowered yourself even further. So when is the REAL last post going to come you dirt bag? Again I am responding TO YOU, not the other way around as you have lied about before you sucker. -Sean Marshall (aka your ultimate nightmare!)

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: On the advice of my lawyer
These threats have been passed on to the computer crimes division of the M### State Police…

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: On the advice of my lawyer
You don’t quit do you? Did you pass them to the anti-gay crime unit jeff you little fag? You started this whole dialogue and but I’m going to finish it so just keep sending me your bullshit I rather enjoy making fun of your soft ass. Look back at all this shit you have started with me and see for yourself what a pussy you are. You aren’t shit. Go fuck yourself now pussy hole. Why do you need the police? You are the one who started EVERY SINGLE PM! Did you tell that to the anti-gay unit? Why do you need police lawyer and body gaurd to fight the fights that you start? can’t you do it yourself little girl? It’s no wonder your wife left you! Women want real men who can protect them, not cry babies who pick fights with real men then run away punk! Do you think for one second that I believe you? You are a chronic liar and pole smoker. keep sending me shit go ahead. just a few more, I want everyone on raffis romper room to see how many you send me and the fact that I have never initiated one PM with you contrary to what your lying ass has said. Give me some more racial insults fag, I can send that out as well stupid fuck. faasi! I have no respect for you. You must love this abuse little sissy. send me another message and I’ll give you some more punk! Clarence B### will be on the west coast soon and he wants to speak with you about the comments you sent me. He doesn’t appreciate that shit. You better use an alias when you go to tournaments because they have been alerted to your bigotry. Your getting what you deserve now archi bunker! -s

From: Jeff W
Subject: I know Mr. B###
I have great respect for him. He has my email. So am I in any danger from you or your libel?

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: I know Mr. B###
More lies you stupid fuck. You know him like you know Anthony Goh. I already spoke with him and he’s coming to my seminar and sparring matches. He’s NEVER heard of you. I forwarded him the stuff you sent me and he is very upset. NOBODY knows who you are you loser. He’s been a friend of mine for countless years you liar. First thing he asked me when he saw it was “who is this person and where can I find him?” Everyone is on alert for Jeff “archie bunker” w### so maybe you should use an alias. By the way Raffi doesn’t even know you, and the people on the board are growing tired of you Mr. Nobody. What happened to this liar? “last post to you ever” “The next action will be from my lawyer for civil and criminal prosecution.” You are so full of shit. Wheres the lawyers paper or apology? Even after you apologize to me, you will have to explain your bigotry to Mr. B###, Mr. S###, Mr. C###, Mr. W###, Mr. J### etc etc. I have a long list of contacts in the M.A. world because I have actually made something of my self by working hard. You are nothing because talking does not make shit in martial arts you pussy hole! Now if you respond one more time with anything other than apology or lawyers papers than you have inserted your foot even farther up your ass. -Sean Marshall (aka the REAL deal)

From: Jeff W
Subject: He and I met in Phoenix
This summer with Wu Bin… Now you must really end this harrassment….

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: He and I met in Phoenix
Do you not realize that it is YOU who have contacted ME every single time you retard? Go fuck yourself you stupid prick. What is wrong with you? I’m sending these screen shots with your racial slurs to wu bin as well archie bunker. Your career is over you racist scum. What the fuck are you talking about harass you? Look at the debate zone. The proof is there for all to see. YOU are the one harrasing ME. So go fuck yourself. If you show your face any where in the martial arts world you will be called out for your bigotry and stupidity. Didn’t I already tell you to go suck your mumma? Why do you still bother me? Are you in love? For your info I am not attracted to men as you are. Now I know why your wife left you. It’s because you obviously lust after men. Go find another gay lover my ass is a one way street unlike yours.

From: Jeff W
Subject: Troll accounts
By The Way, the harrassment also holds true for the troll accounts you’ve set up such as krescan and dropkickfred…just so you know. Please govern yourself and those accounts accordingly…

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Troll accounts
Oh by the way…. go fuck yourself bitch. You went so long without bothering me your fingers started to itch, you got the chills, you went even pastier than you are now. You had to contact me, you need the satisfaction. At first you had trouble sleeping as you laid in bed thinking of me. Now more and more you see me in your waking eyes, you can’t take your mind off of me. The first day was easy because you had the blessing of seeing my remarks on the debate zone. That held you for a while, you even managed to get a little sleep after you had a good wank. But that second day – you could barely walk, you kept repeating my name to yourself over and over…sean marshall …..sean marshall…. sean marshall…… oh the desperation. Finally you had to break down and contact me even after you were severely and permanently humiliated by the screen shots proving you are the lowest form of bigoted liar and piece of raw shit to slither across God’s green earth. 1) I don’t know what a “troll account” is – don’t bother telling me because I don’t give a shit! 2) I have NEVER used any other name other than smarshall because I’m not afraid to speak out and I don’t need to hide like pussies like you. Also I don’t know how to do that and I don’t care to know 3) I don’t know who krescan is 4) dropkickfred is a kung fu brother of mine. He’s the one who showed me how to post up those embarrassing screen shots showing you make an ass of yourself to the world. 5) I already told you that I am not attracted to men so stop pestering me. Unlike you, my ass is a ONE WAY street. Like I told you a thousand times bitch. Send the papers or shut the fuck up. You and your lawyer can suck your moms till her pussy turns blue. NOW FUCK OFF dutty Bombaclot! -your worst nightmare ps how long can you last before you must talk to THE Sean Marshall? Can you beat your own record of 2 days? We’ll see…..

From: Jeff W
Subject: Keep it coming
Just more fuel to the case… Good job…I’m actually glad you’re too stupid to know when you’ve said too much. Now would you rather have the court papers delivered to your school or home? Maybe both just to make sure you get them. Goodbye sean…

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Keep it coming
Let me see…. Home would be fine or the school, or you can shove them up your ass. What ever would be more convenient for you Jeffrey. You didn’t last very long did you Jeffrey, you had to bother me again. Didn’t I tell you to suck your mother? What are you doing here in my private messages? Remember when you told the world that you never PM me unless I PM you? Now that everyone knows that you are a foolish little punk ass bitch liar, how does that make you feel? Normal right? Your used to that feeling aren’t you? Got to hell archie bunker and take your fantasy with you. Oh yeah that goes for your lawyer to. -the man who showed the wushu community what a candy corn bitch jeff w### is

From: Jeff W
Subject: Re: Keep it coming
That’s what I need, sean. Keep talking…Please… I wonder how much your school is worth or your home (If you own one). ah well, we’ll find out in the discovery phase of the trial… Have fun…

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: Keep it coming
blah ..blah…blah… go fuck yourself blah ..blah…blah… ur fulla shit blah ..blah…blah… go suck your mother till her pussy blisters blah ..blah…blah… leave me alone blah ..blah…blah… get a life blah ..blah…blah… as you type this bitch, who is the man fathering your child? I would be glad to help her out if she needs a man figure in her life. If you forward your ex wifes number to me, maybe I could help her, if she hasn’t already replaced you with someone responsible.

From: Jeff W
So you admit you’d cheat on your wife? I know who I am sean…I know I’m not a racist, but your libelous little comments and games you’ve played are what has gotten you in a world of trouble…so much more trouble than your pathetic rants about me. If the harrassment and libel doesn’t stop, it’s actually going to be enjoyable making you even poorer than you already are…

From: Sean Martial
Subject: Re: AHAHHAHA
You stupid little prick. I never said I would have sex with your ex! Are you crazy! I wouldn’t put my health at risk after you’ve had her! I said I would help provide her daughter with a real father figure if she needs the help. It is a shame for children to grow up in an environment without a real man to look up to. I said I would provide that for her sake. You had said before that anyone can draw up a legal document. Then why didn’t jeff bolt do it when he tried to test Anthony Goh if it’s so easy? Likewise another loser named jeff00 has threatened me wiht law suite. If its so easy then do it. When I ask my lawyer to draw up papers he has them in the mail within the week. Whats wrong with your dip shit lawyer? Maybe you didn’t pay him enough. I’m waiting for the papers girly boy. You are a piece of shit so go fuck yourself and stop bothering me!

It didn’t end here. I am relentless and really love to “punch back” when someone gets on my bad side. In addition to the on-line attacks, I did follow up on my threat to contact others in the martial arts community and portray myself as an innocent victim of Jeff W who came after me for no reason and was obviously a bigot. I used wording similar to the letters below. Notice that one of my favorite tactics is to hit first by accusing the person of the very things I did to them. I believe if I get my story out there first, it makes it harder for them to convince people of their opposing story. As the old proverb says: a lie will fly around the whole world while the truth is getting its boots on.”

I tried to get him kicked off the message board with the following letter:

To whom it may concern,

 Lately there has been a guest on “Xiao Ka’s Wushu Debate Zone” who has been very belligerent and will not stop using profanity despite other guests reminding him that there are kids present. He goes by the screen name jeff00 his real name is Jeff W###. I do not know who this person is but he will not stop Pming despite my pleas for him to leave me alone. My screen name is smarshall and my name is Sean Marshall. This is not what I am writing about though. He recently began sending me PMs with threats and racial slurs against me and my family. The disturbing thing about it is that he has mentioned the fact that my children are inter racial. I have no idea who this person is or how he knew that much about my family. This issue has never once come up in the public forum so I am concerned about how he knows the race of my wife. I have posted up screen shots of my inbox and outbox on the debate zone to prove that he has been harassing me (and not the other way around as he contends). Also I posted the screen shot of one of the racial slurs he directed towards my children.


You may notice that one of his messages is “last post to you ever”. Despite this he has Pmed me more than 5 times (so far) after that. What can be done to stop this person from harassing me? I feel like I’m being stalked.

The moderator refused to even reprimand him in any way so I was hoping that you could help. Here is a link to the screen shots. I take these kind of racial hate statements very seriously. The most frightening thing about it is, how he knows these details about my family. 

Thank you for your consideration,

Sean Marshall

I wasn’t satisfied with that, so I also tried to get him removed from one of his positions with the following letter:

To whom it may concern,

Recently while on a wushu chat room I have had the misfortune of being harassed by a certain Jeff W### (he goes by jeff00). I have never met this person nor heard of him before this. He has been private messaging me daily now despite my demands that he stop. Also he has been using the most vulgar and profane swear words on the public forum despite people constantly reminding him that there are children in the room.

This is not why I’m writing you. The reason I’m writing you is because recently the abuse he has been sending me privately has been racial slurs directed towards my children (of an inter racial relationship). The reason I’m concerned is because I have never met this person and the topic has never come up, but somehow he found out that my wife and I are different race. So now I feel like this person is stalking my family, why I do not know. In my search to find out who this person is I found his name listed on your web site as a “delegate”. That is the only place I could find out about him. Since your organization works to promote wushu for children I thought this would be of interest to you. Any help you could give me would be appreciated. Attached are the screen shots from my inbox – you may see how often he harasses me. Also attached is my outbox – so you may see that I never initiated any contact with him. Also attached is one of the racial remarks he has made against my family.

Thank you in advance,

Sean Marshall

Let this be a warning to you – cross me and I will bully you online, I will try to ruin your reputation, take your job, and make you regret that you had the misfortune to cross paths with me. All the while, my fans will believe i am a gentle soul who seeks only peace but became a victim of your harassment. I am an expert in The Art of Appeal!

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